Mission Statement

We believe in access to information.  Our goal is to remove obstacles to continuing education.

It shouldn’t cost an exorbitant registration fee and airfare to get access to an evidence-based lecture.  Your access to an evidence-based presentation critical to your work shouldn’t be dependent on an employer fronting the cost. And you shouldn’t have to take several days out of your life and travel - leave your kids, spouse, partner, home, community - just to participate.

We believe access to continuing education should be affordable, if not free.  Our goal is to continually monitor overhead costs to keep our platform accessible.

We believe that large corporations and status quo drive prices up and create barriers to learning from our peers. Our mission is to try and remove that barrier.  Our episodes will always be free. Our certificates of attendance and CEUs will always be affordable.

We believe in community.  Our goal is to prioritize collaboration, inclusion, and soliciting feedback.

We believe that SLPs, allied health professionals, teachers, medical oriented professionals, behaviorally oriented professionals, and any / all of our valued coworkers have something to offer.  We believe more brains are better than one, no exceptions. We will work closely with our Board of Advisors to make sure we never work in a vacuum and we have peers to check our bias.

We believe that knowledge is a key to dismantling systems of oppression

The field of speech and language pathology, like many medical and therapeutic professions, is rooted in a medical model and is inherently ableist. Speech pathology is also fraught with issues related to other systems of oppression, including white supremacy and institutional power. We believe that the field of speech pathology, like many others, has a lot of growing to do, and we acknowledge that learning requires components of vulnerability and growth can be uncomfortable. We believe that access to knowledge and a willingness to learn are key components to creating change in these spaces. We also believe that being anti-ableist and pro-science are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

We believe that podcasts offer unique opportunities for learning.  

A traditional conference offers many things a podcast can’t replace (vendor halls, networking, personally connecting with coworkers), but we hope to create a “podference” that offers access to quality, conference-like content so you can learn while you cook, jog, commute, or fold laundry.

We believe voices are powerful and knowledge should be shared.

We believe that the peer review process, difficult conversations, and sharing multiple perspectives are critical components to learning.  We will publish content in an open access format and remove paywalls whenever possible.  

Do you have a presentation to give? Do you have an expertise to share? Did your paper submission get denied / presentation get cancelled? We want your voice. Submit your call for papers, or “Call for Podpers*” as we call it.   

*Call for Podpers is a call for papers, but for our podcast.